
Posts Tagged ‘Tailored Society’

MY BAD! – Redemption Post

October 5, 2009 Leave a comment

Sorry for slacking on the post! Last week was kind of hectic for me but that was last week. Now everything is relatively normal again. Just got school and other shit to worry about. But anywhooo, here is some random shit I just wanted to share throughout the week and weekend.

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Tailored Society

September 10, 2009 1 comment

I feel like my generation is lacking a sense of identity in a sense of style. We are a always looking up to the veterans, borrowing aesthetics from older eras that we were never really part of and decades and mimicking them. If you think about the past 10 years; we have imitated the past 3 decades of the 20th century.

“TAILORED SOCIETY is an online community that showcases the work of young, emerging fashion designers from around the world.” Hopefully this blog which is run by people of my age, will push for that. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you Tailored Society.